Electronic 3-186A Form Reporting System
Step-by-step Guidelines
All licensed Indiana falconers can now access the USFWS electronic reporting sytstem and are required to
use this system to report, within 10 days of aquiring, transferring, releasing, banding or rebanding,
microchipping, losing a raptor due to death or theft, or losing a raptor that has escaped and has not
been found within 30 days. These events must be reported electronically at:
or submit a Form 3-186A to the Indiana DNR (so the information can be entered into the database).
When you first access the database you will need to register and click on "Federal ID Issuance System."
For your state permit/license number, use only the last 3 digits of your license number (excluding the
first 2 digits that represent the year). Once your registration is complete, you will be given a unique
federal ID. You will use this federal ID in the future to easily login to the database and report
information regarding your falconry activity.
Step-by-step instructions on how to use this electronic reporting system can be downloaded below. If
you have questions regarding this electronic reporting system, please feel free to contact DNR Operations
Staff Specialist, Linnea Petercheff at lpetercheff@dnr.in.gov or at (317) 233-6527.
Electronic 3-186A Reporting Guidelines
Click filename below to access file